Your best moments in UFO:ET

Moderator: Jessie Black

Your best moments in UFO:ET

Postby Csatrad » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:55 pm

I shot down a wall on the second flor from like 2 blocks away with a 2H plasma and used the very last points to shot again to take down an alien that would kill my guy who just went up on the elevator on his last points. GOD that was AWESOME!!

All those windows, and floors and space and hight, and depth. I mean I played other games like this but somehow this was the only one that really made me feel the feeling that you are in a dense city, or a tight cave, or a completly open field. The maps where awesome, no wonder they taking so much time making it :D
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Re: Your best moments in UFO:ET

Postby Halluinoid » Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:00 am

yeah it reminds you of the sheer depth of the SHIPS on X-COM Terror from the Deep

as the game progressed (Playstation) suddenly you would find that Exterrests had boarded an ocean going ship, you send a Red Raider to search the Ship but it's big! in fact it went to 2 parts and had the same amazing depth as you describe (in fact sometimes ....... too much ! ;) ) I remember a cinema, outside areas looking out to sea, decks, passenger rooms, tons and tons
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